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Technical Interview Questions
Interview Questions
How to run the interactive PHP shell from the command line interface?
Explain PEAR in PHP?
How PHP script can be executed from the command line?
PHP resembles certain programming language, which are those?
What do you mean by hypertext preprocessor?
How will you define PHP?
What is Numeric array?
Why PHP is known as hypertext?
What is the difference between echo and print?
How do we get the number of parameters passed in a method?
What are the major difference between include and require in PHP?
How can we display the output directly to the browser?
Define constant?
Why tags are being used?
What are the major difference between PHP4 and PHP 5?
How do you define Final class and Final method?
What are the most two common way to start and finish a PHP block of code?
what is PHP Session?
What are the three different type of errors in PHP?
How to create cookie in PHP?
What is the major difference between MYSQL and MYSQLI.
How do we destroy session in PHP?
How do we start session in PHP?
How do you define array in PHP?
What are the major difference between GET and POST.
What are the major difference between GET and POST.
What are the major difference between split() and explode()?
How you will establish connection to PHP using MYSQL.
Do PHP support Multiple Inheritance?
Major Use of imagetypes() ?
Which library is needed to execute image function?
How PHP and HTML interact Together?
Which operator are being used for comparison of objects in PHP5?
Which operator are being used for comparison of objects in PHP5?
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